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Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

When using Vue's SSR capabilities, portal-vue can't work reliably for a couple of reasons:

  1. The internal Store (the "Wormhole") that's caching vnodes and connecting <portal> components to their <portal-target> counterparts, is a singleton. As such, changes to the Wormhole persist between requests, leading to all sorts of problems.
  2. In SSR, Vue renders the page directly to a string, there are not reactive updates applied. Consequently, a <portal-target> appearing before a <portal> will render an empty div on the server whereas it will render the sent content on the client, resulting in a hydration vdom mismatch error, while a <portal-target> following a <portal> would technically work.


Disabling the portal on the server

For the aforementioned reasons, starting with 2.1.2, content won't be cached in the Wormhole anymore when on the server. Consequently, the HTML rendered by the server won't contain any DOM nodes in place of any <portal-target>

Handling on the client

We want to display the <portal-target> content on the client, though. In order to prevent any hydration mismatches, we can use a really tiny component called <no-ssr>, written by @egoist, which can solve this problem.

We wrap our <portal-target> elements in it, and it will prevent rendering on the server as well as on the client during hydration, preventing the error described above. Immediatly after hyration, it will render the previously "hidden" content, so that the <portal-target> will render its content. Usually the user can hardly notice this as the update is near-immediate.


  <portal-target name="destination">

<!-- with placeholder text, usually not necessary -->
<no-ssr placeholder="Loading...">
  <portal-target name="destination">