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Advanced Usage

Switching targets & sources

The to prop of <portal> and the name prop of <portal-target> can be changed dynamically with v-bind, allowing you to send content of one <portal> to a different <portal-target>, or switch the source of a <portal-target> from one <portal> to another.

<portal v-bind:to="name">
  Content will be dynamically sent to the destination that `name` evaluates to

<portal-target v-bind:name="name">
  by changing the 'name', you can define which portal's content should be shown.

Scoped Slots

PortalVue can also be used with Scoped Slots! This allows you to send a scoped slot to a PortalTarget, which can then provide props for the slot content:

<portal to="destination" v-slot="{ message }">

  :slot-props="{message: 'Hello from the Target to You!'}"


<!-- rendered in the target location-->
<p>Hello from the Target to You!</p>


Portal Transitions

You can pass transitions to a <portal> without problems. It will behave just the same when the content is being rendered in the <portal-target>:

<portal to="destination">
  <transition name="fade">
    <p v-if="hasMessages" key="1">You have {{messages.length}} new messages</p>
    <p v-else key="2">No unread messages</p>

However, if you use a <portal-target> for multiple <portal>s, you likely want to define the transition on the target end instead. This is also supported.

PortalTarget Transitions

<portal-target name="target">
  <template v-slot:default="nodes">
    <transition name="fade" mode="out-in">
      <component :is="nodes[0]" />

Transitions for Targets underwent a redesign in PortalVue 3.0. The new syntax is admittedly a bit more verbose and has a hack-ish feel to it, but it's a valid use of Vue's v-slot syntax and was necessary to get rid of some nasty edge cases with target Transitions that we had in PortalVue 2.*.

Basically, you pass a transition to a slot named wrapper and get an array called nodes from its slot props.

You can the use Vue'S <component :is=""> to turn those into the content of the transition.

Here's a second example, using a <transition-group> instead:

<portal-target name="target">
  <template #default="nodes">
    <transition-group name="fade">
      <component :is="node" v-for="node in nodes" :key="node" />

Proper namespacing

In order to move content from Portals to PortalTargets, some intermediary state management is required to coordinate between the two. We call this the "wormhole".

In PortalVue <=2.*, this wormhole was a singleton instance, and as a consequence, the namespace for to and name properties was also global.

In PortalVue 3.0 we still use a default wormhole, but now also support creating your own wormhole instance(s) and providing them to your portal components in different areas of your app - or different apps on the same page.

This makes working with names a bit less prone to conflicts, especially when 3rd-party libraries that you are using in your projects also use portal-vue to move things around without you even knowing.

So how does it work?

TODO: properly document using createWormhole()

Rendering outside of the Vue-App

TODO: Introduce createPortalTarget and explain limited usage scenarios